27 December 2011

NA Rebuild - Engine Bay Cleaning #5

Here some news from the garage! I have finally finished to clean the engine bay! In future i may think to polish also the valve cover and the intake manifold but now is not the most important thing to do. Now i have to remove the alarm, so i'm starting to remove the entire dashboard and internals, to follow and remove all the alarm wirings! But now take a look on these pics of last part of the engine bay cleaning operation:

Some changes :-)

Intake cleaned

2 days ago, while i were finishing to clean the engine bay it starts to snow!

Also cleaned the under of the bonnet

23 December 2011

NA Rebuild - Engine Bay Cleaning #4

Taking a look under the spark plug wires i've found a lot of dirt... I need to replace sparks and spark plugs in future, but i must clean this area. I don't want to let the dirt fall on the engine.

21 December 2011

NA Rebuild - Engine Bay Cleaning #3

All cleaned under the airbox.

Engine under tray cover, off!

Complete Airbox System, now ready to clean.

General Engine overview, before the cleaning.

General Engine overview, before the cleaning.

General Engine overview, before the cleaning.

First progresses of the engine cleaning!

20 December 2011

NA Rebuild - Engine Bay Cleaning #2

Right side overview, diagnosis, and power tr unit support removed.

Diagnosis, and power tr unit support, after renewal process.

Washer Tank and fuse box support, after rust removal process.

Washer Tank and fuse box support, with anti-rust applied.

Washer Tank and fuse box support, re-sprayed.

Support resprayed, again on engine bay.

Diagnosis support resprayed, again on engine bay.

Engine Bay,  general overview.

Airbox and Airflow meter off! Ready to clean!

Dirt under the Airbox

General overview.

General overview.

19 December 2011

NA Rebuild - Engine Bay Cleaning #1

Let's go cleaning the engine bay:

20 Years of dirt, in the wiper area.

Add lightness, removing leaf!

The wiper area cleaned

Washer tank support rusted :-(

Washer tank out and the dirt under it.

Dirt in the left side, with the old fucking alarm i must remove!

Wiper motor disconnected, for better clean.

Right side, cleaned now.

Left side cleaned now!

Washer, diagnosis, and power tr unit support, before the renewal process.

Another view of the wiper area cleaned.

13 December 2011

LLCC Challenge 2011 - Last round at Varano #1

Fantastica giornata, Sabato 3 Dicembre all'autodromo di Varano, in occasione del Lotus and Light Cars Club Challenge, in cui abbiamo uno spazio anche noi con le Mazdine. Ha ufficialmente preso il via anche la categoria riservata alle MX5, una sorta di Challenge nel Challenge. Giornata bagnata, certamente non quello che speravo, anche perchè avevo montato le semislick per la prima volta esattamente 12 ore prima, non conoscevo il loro livello di grip, le reazioni, dopo quanto si scaldavano, se si sarebbero scaldate, e tantomeno il comportamento sul bagnato. Ma alla fine il divertimento non è per niente mancato, anche questa giornata piovosa, ha contribuito ad accrescere il bagaglio di esperienza, dato che era la prima pistata sul bagnato... Correttezza in pista da parte di tutti, condotta esemplare e numeri da circo per fare stare diritte sia le nostre MX5 che le Lotus o i numerosi sfilatini. Complimenti a tutti e speriamo di vederci alla prossima, magari questa volta con la NA!

09 December 2011

Just bought a '92 NA! A dream that come true!

Ok, now is definitely official: i've just bought also a NA! As said on this post i've bought a '92 Mariner Blue MX5 115hp with some problem: Soft Top broken, Exhaust cracked, rust to remove in some point, but the engine seems (i hope!) to be ok and it's a Long Nose. I want to use her on track and i will use her for learn to do the basic/medium manteniance. Let's start with this Track oriented project, that can last longer than many month or a couple of years! Unfortunately money are always less than 0 and this is the reason of the lenght that this project may have. I plan to do many upgrade, but always is related to the budget available:

- Complete oil/fluid replace
- New UltraLowCost Capote (Now Broken)
- New Exhaust (Now Broken)
- Adjustable Coilover + Sway Bar
- Rollbar
- 4 Point Safety Belt
- 15'' Wheels with 195/50 Tires

I will try to do all works by DIY, also if i have never do by myself difficult works on the car. I have bought it also for this reason: learn to do all manteniance operation by myself.
Let's start!