08 September 2011

Parts Corner - Custom RollBar on MX5 PHRT/RC

Every MX5 NC owner, can see that the stock rollbar is really low! If, in your life, you do a rollover, i think that the first thing that touch the ground is your head, and not our stock RollBar. A Rollover can happen, not only in a Racing Track at high speed, but stupidly also at 30Km/h in a public road if another car hurt your one in a unlucky mode... Sometimes laws are stupid, and in many country (like in Italy) you can not add safe to your car... So i'm legal, but in a rollover i will dead. Or one day i can decide to install a serious RollBar, being illegal, but in case of rollover i can preserve my head.
Today i want to show you the custom RollBar, on a MX5 NC PHRT/Roadster Coupè, of a Miata.net user (Cyberbug). Really nice RollBar, here some pics of the work:

Other Pics and details of the entire work HERE.

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